Making changes to Child Test suite 'State' will affect the Test plan 'State'?

This question confuses many of us who use MTM for test case management. Curious how state of Test Plan , Test Suite works? Making changes to Child Test suite 'State' will affect the Test plan 'State'?

Answer is No. Changes to Child Test suite 'State' won't affect the Test plan 'State'. Test Plan contain one or more different test suites.
State of Test Plan are:
Active: If Test Plan is set to active which mean that you can run test cases from child test suites of test plan.
Inactive: If it is inactive then you cannot run test from its test suites. you can only view, edit test suites.
And yes State of Test Plan do affects its child test suites. 

State of Test Suite are:
In Planning: Test Suite is not ready to run
In Progress: Test Suite is ready for use/execution
Completed: Test Suite execution completed

Test Suite states won't affect Test Plan. Test Suite state should be In Progress to run test from it.
If you delete Test Plan then it will delete all its test suites and test results so its always better to change Test Plan state to Inactive.

Hope this help you.


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